Brand Reveal: Neighbors Church Ministry

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“Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” - Philippians 2:4 (KJV)

There's a new church ministry developing and we had the privilege of coming alongside to help with the development of the visual aspect of it! We find that when even church ministries have professional branding that others are more likely to see the ministry in a different light. They may envision it as more organized, as a big impact and they will see that a lot of work has went into it from behind the scenes. It gives others comfort in becoming a part of the mission. And we just love that those at The Upper Room Church of God are aware of these facts and reached out to us!

This ministry is going to be a local outreach to help people with the maintenance or cleanup tasks that they have at their home. All while showing the great love of Christ while they are helping out. How great is it that they see the need and are getting out of their comfort zone and going out and into the community to help others with simple day to day tasks like the maintenance of their homes?!

Now they have a few different versions of their logo that can be used on T-shirts, letterheads, signs and more as they get out and follow through with their mission!

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Like what you see? Is it time to create or update your visual brand? See some of our popular branding packages that are available.