Brand Reveal: Called To Be Wise

I had the privilege of meeting many beautiful, like-minded women at a recent networking event that I developed this past spring. There were women from all different walks of life, many different backgrounds, all at a different stage in life, but we all had a common drive in us that causes us to want to push for more. We have goals, dreams and ambitions and want to do something about it.

Group of women at Exposure web.jpg

There was one particular woman that just showed up as soft light in the crowded room. As I got to chat with her and get to know her, her heart and her passion, the light grew brighter. She shared with me that she was in the process of developing a blogging business. “That’s interesting.”, I thought. I hadn’t considered blogging as being a legitimate type of business that would be represented at this event. But that isn’t the what really took my breath away. It was the subject of her developing blog.

The name of her blog is “Called to be Wise” and she describes it as this: “Called to be W.I.S.E. is a community where women can find the truth we need in order to live the lives we have been called to live. Whether we are wives, moms, sisters, friends or just daughters of the King; our actions should always be filtered through the lens of The Word. So [she invites us} join [her] as we are delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God’s design, purpose and promise for us as women.”


I don’t know about you, but I am jumping on the blog OFTEN and as soon as it launches!

But we must be patient. Because something as great as this takes some time and careful developing. And one of those many things on her checklist was creating her brand. She had reached out to a website out there on the interwebs to get a quick design of what she thought she wanted for a logo a while ago. But after approving it, purchasing it and beginning to use it, she realized that it just wasn’t exactly what she wanted. We also discovered that it was actually created in a format that is ideal for logos, which could become a problem in the future.

This is her originally designed logo that was created elsewhere and just wasn’t quite what the client wanted.

This is her originally designed logo that was created elsewhere and just wasn’t quite what the client wanted.


So we met up and discussed what her logo could look like. I listened to her explain to me the direction that she wanted to go with her blog as well as her brand.

Then I got to work.

And we developed a much more fitting visual brand for her and her upcoming blog.

Brand Reveal Called to be wise.jpg
Primary Logo with taglineJPG.jpg

She is now equipped with everything that she will need to launch her blog and to keep it growing and moving throughout the years to come!

We updated the logo to be more fitting for her and her blog’s personality. We also hope to create an environment that is welcoming, comforting and encouraging to all women.

And I am so blessed to be a small part of this journey!

Please share your thoughts!
We will be sure to keep you updated as Called To Be Wise launches in the near future! :D


Oh ya!

We also designed these business cards for her!

Now you have all her info! And that QR code right there… that takes you directly to the blog! I know. I know. Mind blown, huh?