Professional Branding - What's the Big Deal?

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First & Foremost

Branding is more than just the pretty.

Yes, the pretty is important. Your logo, color scheme, icons, patterns, etc is essential to a good, strong brand. But it doesn’t stop there.

Your brand is the ENTIRE customer experience. It is what they see and feel from start to finish. From the first few seconds that they judge you and get that first impression of you to the closing of the service that you provide to them, they are experiencing your brand.

Your brand shows your character. It should be an extension of you and what you want your audience to be exposed to. If you stay true to this, it won’t be too difficult to stay consistent and to train your employees to do the same.

Now, let’s answer our question…

What’s the Big Deal?

Why is it so important to invest into your brand? Let’s dig into 5 reasons.

  1. It tells your business’ story.

    Your brand tells of who you are as a business. It shares your values. It explains why you are different than the others and what makes you stand above the rest. Your brand reveals who you are, what service you provide, why you do what you do and how you do it.

  2. It builds trust.

    Having a consistent brand is essential to building the trust of your clientele. With consistency, comes trust. Just as a child trusts his or her parent when they are consistent in the way they raise the child. There is comfort in knowing what to expect from them. It is the same with your brand. If you’re consistent in the way your business is managed and exposed to its audience, then they will begin to trust that they will be taken care of well and will continue to come back and even share their experiences with others.

  3. It attracts your ideal clients.

    When building your brand, as I mentioned above, you want it to be an extension of you. But you also need to keep your audience in mind as well. Think of what they are attracted to and what is important to them. Give a clear vision of what your company is and how you will solve the problem that your client has. Do you want to attract clients that will try to micromanage you and take advantage of your service or a client that trusts that you are the professional and you can handle their needs?

  4. It improve recognition.

    Having a professionally designed visual brand that is consistent throughout all of the business’ platforms builds familiarity. Just as McDonald’s M and the Nike swoosh is known across the world, you want your logo to be recognizable to your audience. Familiarity brings a feeling of comfort and people are drawn to comfort. They are also more likely to be able to recall your business name and share with others, generating new customers. Win - win.

  5. It supports marketing.

    Having the visual aspect of your brand all ready to go makes it simple to add your logo onto promotional products. Add it to a few backpacks and as others carry them around… advertising. Add it to t-shirts, wear them around… advertising.
    It also makes creating other marketing materials such as flyers, signage and social media posts simpler when you have the color scheme all ready to go and your patterns and typography all in a handy Branding Guide.

Is it time to build your visual brand? Or maybe it is time to re-brand?

Want to learn more about some of our popular branding packages? Click here for pricing and options available.