What is a brand?

The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products



Why is it important?

An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does “branding” mean? Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from that of your competitors. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.



How can we help?

While your brand comes mainly from you and how you lead your business, your brand is also introduced and related to people visually. That is where I come in. I can create that eye-catching logo that best depicts (or DePikts) your vision. Along with that comes your brand’s colors, patterns, own social media icons, fonts, variations of your logo and your tagline and illustrations that compliment your brand. Being consistent is one of the keys of branding and having a branding guide handy is going to make that simple!


Ready to get started?

Fill out this form to help me see your vision and we will create a brand that will stand out from the rest and fit you and your company/organization perfectly!