Behind the Name

 How’d you come up with that?!
A look into the name, DePikt Design

de’pict (v)
/de pikt/ 
– to show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.


When it comes to making your ideas for your business or organization visible to others, we believe we can help! When starting or even building a business, your mind can become overwhelmed with ideas and visions. It eventually just becomes one big ball of a mess and that can be discouraging.

That’s when we come in! We can take the time to help you sort through that cluster of ideas and visions turn them into something organized and beautiful!

Do you ever have an idea but yet struggle to put it into words? How about an image in your mind that you just cannot get to come into focus to become clear enough to describe it to someone else?

I’ve experienced these myself and it is a struggle and can be frustrating.

We take the time to get to know you, your vision, your audience and your path. Then we use visual arts “to show or represent” or depict [DePikt] all of that in a way that will reach your audience and share your heart and your mission.